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Why are All Eyes on the David Patraeus Infidelity Saga, But Complete Silence on Military Rapes? « Davey D’s Hip Hop Corner

Why are All Eyes on the David Patraeus Infidelity Saga, But Complete Silence on Military Rapes? « Davey D’s Hip Hop Corner.

One response

  1. Thanks for this, Davey D.

    As an African Woman survivor of a gang rape at knife point by a group of negro cullard male soldiers (I refuse to call them African, Black or Men – and there is a difference between males and Men) in Oakland (years ago) who were stoned on cocaine and on their way to acquire more, I appreciate the article.

    I knew at least two of them were soldiers because they openly wore their ‘dog tags.’ I suspected some of the others – or all of them – to be soldiers as well, but they were not wearing visible proof. There were 8 of them. I fought them physically, to no avail. (I mean roughly 14-1500 lbs of them and about 100 lbs of me, a very vicious, military looking knife at my throat (2 sharpened sides, serrated edge on one side,) was somewhat superfluous, one would think.) I am not military.

    However I was almost a casualty of war, none the less.

    But I fought them mentally as well – and won because I fought and won the battle to not hate African MEN. I refused to be a victim and realized that to hate Black MEN would be to hate a piece of myself as well, and this I would not/will not do.

    However for rapists, (of any nationality, or gender) I have no mercy. And should I ever find those 8 males they will not breathe another breath. (even though they took great pains to protect their identities by wrapping my jeans around my head)

    F*ck the law. It does not protect African people in particular.

    It does, however, as your article so poignantly describes, protect rapists everywhere, military or not.

    And there were no ‘support organizations’ who cared, either. None of them would bestir their lilly white asses to assist an African Woman in deep east O. So f*ck them too.

    I won the war, alone, by myself.

    And I very seriously wonder how many of the women raped in the military are African? Do you have stats on that?



    November 13, 2012 at 3:53 pm

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