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Posts tagged “NDAA

From the Use of Drones to Enhancing Policeman’s Bill of Rights, Watch this Dorner Case Carefully | Davey D’s Hip Hop Corner


From the Use of Drones to Enhancing Policeman’s Bill of Rights, Watch this Dorner Case Carefully | Davey D’s Hip Hop Corner.

Due process under duress: Detaining citizens under NDAA – Opinion – Al Jazeera English

I was asked, “What would Malcolm have said about our current situation?” Malcolm would probably had said, in fewer words than this, that:
Every brainless sycophant who urges that we vote for Obama as the only rational choice of a progressi

ve or Black person concerned with the racist sub-agenda of Republicans and Tea Party advocates should wake up and read the National Defense and Authorization Act – and realize that it’s past the issue of the Ballot or the Bullet. Race is secondary now (as it has always been for a mixed-race opportunist President) Obama’s NDAA bill insures that there are no rights anyone has that the US government is bound to respect! Should Willard Romney win the national election, he will enjoy the same power that Obama created to strip everyone, every so called “American” citizen of any legal rights under the US constitution. Instead of voting for Obama we should be fighting for our very lives and liberty by galvanizing every one to oppose this legislation, for Obama like Willard are enemies of all freedom loving “Americans” – the choice between “Ho and Hum” is no choice. The Police state is already here – deal with it!  —Dhoruba Bin-Wahad

Due process under duress: Detaining citizens under NDAA – Opinion – Al Jazeera English.